miércoles, 5 de noviembre de 2014

Campus Party

Una Puerta al Conocimiento del Mundo Digital

Campus Party es el acontecimiento de Internet más importante del mundo en las áreas: Innovación, Creatividad, Ciencia y Ocio Digital.

El encuentro con sede en varios países tiene carácter anual y reúne durante siete días a miles de participantes con sus ordenadores procedentes de todo el mundo con el fin de compartir inquietudes, intercambiar experiencias y realizar todo tipo de actividades relacionadas con el ordenador, las comunicaciones y las nuevas tecnologías.

El factor humano es el corazón de Campus Party; la pantalla del ordenador cobra vida bajo el lema “Internet no es una red de ordenadores, Internet es una red de personas”.

El evento nace en 1997 en la localidad de Mollina, Málaga. Desde su génesis tiene un carácter generalista y formativo, y reúne a las distintas plataformas y colectivos del mundo de la informática, convocándolos para crear un punto de encuentro propicio para el intercambio de ideas y conocimientos.

En 2008 Campus Party se internacionalizó y, actualmente, contamos con ediciones enEspaña, Colombia, Brasil (con sede en Sao Paulo y Recife), México y Ecuador.
Campus Party realiza también ediciones especiales. En octubre de 2008 y, dentro de la Agenda Oficial de la Cumbre Iberoamericana de Jefes de Estado y de Gobierno de El Salvador, se celebró Campus Party Iberoamérica que reunió en San Salvador cerca de 500 campuseros provenientes de todos los países de la región. Madrid fue la sede, en marzo de 2010, de Campus Party Europa con 800 campuseros procedentes de todos los países de la Unión Europea, dentro de los actos oficinales de la presidencia Española de la UE. En octubre de 2011, Granada acogió Campus Party Milenio en la que, 600 participantes de los 22 países de la Cuenca Mediterránea, celebraron el Milenio del Reino de Granada.

Berlín fue, en 2012, la sede de la tercera edición de CP Europe y Londres tomó el relevo en 2013 recibiendo a 10.000 campuseros provenientes de todos los países europeos en el mítico O2 Arena.

Históricamente Campus Party ha contado con un gran poder de convocatoria de público, una incondicional implicación de las instituciones públicas y privadas, y una extraordinaria repercusión de los medios de comunicación que, año tras año, avalan con su presencia el interés que despierta en la sociedad.

Los 250 jóvenes que acudieron a la primera Campus Party han ido creciendo gracias al entusiasmo de miles de jóvenes de todo el mundo que, año tras año, acuden a su cita anual. En la actualidad, la Asociación E3 Futura es la promotora del evento, recayendo la organización del mismo sobre la compañía Futura Networks.

La evolución espectacular en contenidos pone a disposición de los usuarios (que acuden con sus propios ordenadores y dispositivos tecnológicos) varias áreas temáticas, que abordan disciplinas que van desde la creatividad digital a la robótica, pasando por el desarrollo de software, el modding o los videojuegos, entre otras.

“Hemos conseguido transmitir el entusiasmo de los participantes de Campus Party a profesionales de reconocido prestigio internacional. Gracias a su aportación, hemos potenciado las áreas de contenidos y hecho realidad el lema que nos mueve: Unimos talento. Creamos futuro. Más de 400 comunidades vinculadas por la tecnología nos han escogido como punto de encuentro y foro de intercambio de experiencias y conocimientos”, afirma Belinda Galiano, presidenta de la Asociación E3 Futura.

Los talleres, charlas, conferencias y actividades programadas, otorgan a Campus Partyuna consistencia formativa y de contenidos que la convierten en una cita referencial. Y, lo que es más importante, manteniendo el espíritu colaborativo y participativo que siempre ha caracterizado al evento, demostrando que el conocimiento crece cuando se comparte.

Innumerables organismos públicos y empresas privadas han participado y apoyado activamente a Campus Party desde sus inicios: patrocinadores institucionales como el Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología de España, Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio de España, el INJUVE (Instituto de la Juventud de España), Generalitat Valenciana, la SEGIB (Secretaría General Iberoamericana), el Ayuntamiento de Valencia, la Prefectura y el Gobierno de de São Paulo, el Gobierno de Brasil, la Alcaldía de Bogotá, el SENA de Colombia, etcétera; compañías tecnológicas como Telefónica, HP, Dell, Cisco System, Intel, Microsoft, IBM, Fujitsu, Sun, etcétera; empresas privadas como Coca-Cola, Sony, Nokia, Xbox, PlayStation, BBVA, la CAIXA de Brasil, Iberdrola, Terra, Lycos, Yahoo, Vivo, MTV Brasil, Electronic Arts, Vivendi Universal, Universia, etcétera.


lunes, 16 de septiembre de 2013

Argentina's Investors Hub

Association & Forum to promote Argentina's productive investments in GCC and supports the internationalization of domestic enterprises, as well as their busisness development and trade.

As an Argentina's  mains companies representative, and support by Argentine goverment, A.I.H ( Argentina´s Investors Hub ) is in charge of the assistance to develop linkages and partnerships between international investors and local companies.

Why to invest in Argentina..?

 -Sustainable economic growth
-Attractive business profitability
-Strength to face the global crisis
-Strategic location ( Latin America heart)
-Openness to the world
-Diversified economy
-Abundant and diverse natural resources
-Skilled and highly creative workforce
-High level of scientific, technological and productive innovation
-Modern infrastructure and high-quality connectivity, are some of the reasons that makes Argentina an attractive investment destination at a global level.

Sustainable economic growth

> One of the fastest-growing countries worldwide: leader in Latin America for the past decade.

> Sustainable macroeconomy: sustained external surplus, accumulated international reserves, fiscal solvency and substantial reduction in public debt.

> Record-high exports close to US$ 100 billion for goods and services in 2011.

> Five million new jobs created; a decrease in unemployment levels from 21.5% in 2002 to 7.1% in 2012.

> Ranked as a Very High Human Development country in the United Nations 2011 Human Development Index.

Attractive Business  Profitably 

> High profitability in a wide range of productive sectors.

> New record-high profits from Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) as a percentage of assets, with the annual average exceeding 10% in the last four years.

> Profits over sales above 13% for the 500 non-financial private companies in 2006-2010.

> More than 2,000 multinational companies operating in diverse sectors share a long-term vision and renewed investment commitment.

> Highest investment rate in the last 30 years (24.5% of GDP in 2011) fueled by the diversity and profitability of all existing investment opportunities.


> An inclusion-based model for growth, in which the strong and dynamic domestic market is one of the key pillars.

> Proven ability to sustain the economic growth cycle from the on-start of the global crisis, exceeding the average of emerging countries.

> Low level of public debt and high level of international reserves, increasing capacity to implement counter-cyclical public policies.

> Job protection and social inclusion policies drive domestic demand and production.

> Investment promotion initiatives such as credit facilities for the productive sector and a construction plan to build 400
Strategic Location 


> Located in a region endowed with resources to meet current and future global demands.

> Strategic player within the main food exporting region in the world.

> A motor for Latin America’s increased integration in terms of economy, politics, society and culture.

> Full MERCOSUR member, together with Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela: preferential access (0% tariff) to a regional market of 275 million inhabitants; aggregate GDP of US$ 3.35 trillion; and great industrial complementarity.

> Member of UNASUR (Union of South American Nations); ALADI (Latin American Integration Association); and ECLAC (Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean).

Openness to the World  

> G-20 Member, with an active presence in several international organizations, including the World Trade Organization, G77+China, United Nations, UNCTAD, ECLAC and FAO, among others.

> Strengthening of the bilateral relations with the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) as well as other developing countries.

> Highly dynamic exports to more than 150 destinations, with values tripling over the past 8 years.

> Trade growth with the rest of the world (2003-2011) over 17% per year.

> Highest proportion of FDI projects with high technological intensity in South America (ECLAC).

Diversified Economy 


> Leading country in the international food market, with exports exceeding US$ 25 billion in 2011 and great technological development in the agrifood value chain.

> Industrial structure with a strong tradition in countless diverse productive sectors, along with dynamic growth of industrial exports (16% per year in 2003-2011).

> Accelerated development of renewable energies, biotechnology, software, creative industries and other frontier sectors.

> Main tourism destination in Latin America, with almost 6 million tourists per year.

> Increase in the productive capacity of domestic and foreign companies, with 96% of FDI flows being directed to new projects and expansion.

Abundant and Diverse Natural Resources 

> Vast extension of fertile land for agriculture: 9th largest extension of agricultural area in the world with 140 million hectares of arable lands (FAO).

> 4,500 km of mountain ranges with mining resources: gold, copper, lithium, carbon, lead, zinc, tin, silver and potassium.

> 4,700 km coast along the Atlantic Ocean with rich fisheries.

> Vast oil and gas resources with exploration and exploitation opportunities.

> Ranked 3rd worldwide in shale oil and shale gas reserves.

Skilled and Highly Creative Workforce  

> Workforce internationally renowned for its skill set, creativity and versatility.

> More than 98,000 graduates from higher education programs and almost 11,000 postgraduate students from 115 universities across the country enter the labor market each year.

> Economically active population (EAP) with the highest education level in Latin America.

> Highest level of public investment in education in the region (equal to 6% of GDP).

> The most dynamic work productivity in the region in recent years (ECLAC).

High Level of Scientific, Technological and Productive Innovation 

> Public policy supportive of scientific and technological development spearheaded by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation created in 2007.

> 55% increase in the number of R&D professionals over the period 2003-2011.

> Highest ratio of researchers to the economically active population (EAP) and ranked 3rd in terms of the number of R&D technicians, measured as total number per million inhabitants in Latin America (World Bank).

> Development of aerospace projects led by INVAP, a public company of world renown for satellite development and other space projects.

> One of a few countries in the world with multispecies cloning capacity


> Public investment at a historic high (going from 0.5% of total public spending in 2002 to 6% in 2011).

> Well-developed transport and infrastructure system: 35,000 kilometers (21,700 miles) of national roads; one of the longest rail road networks in the world (36,000 kilometers / 22,000 miles); 43 ports; and 54 airports.

> Ranked 2nd in the Logistics Performance Index of the World Bank in Latin America (2010).

> High rates of internet penetration in companies and homes.

> Highest fixed and mobile telephone density in Latin America, ranking 6th worldwide (World Bank, 2010).

Join our A.I.H Association & Forum to be part of the benefits of doing business with Argentina´s mayor companies. 

Contact me 
Claudia Luna
CEO & Founder LA RED media group
Argentina's Investors Hub

Personal 00 54 9 381 155551960
Twitter. @luna1290
LinkedIn .- Claudia Luna
Skype.- Angelmoonfv


lunes, 9 de septiembre de 2013

Chichen Itza, Yucatan (Mexico 31 Hectares of Virgin Jungle)

Land for Investment or Development for Sale in Chichen Itza, Yucatan (Mexico 31 Hectares of Virgin Jungle)
Great Opportunity In Chichen Itza, Yucatan.

Take advantage of the growing demand for hotel and restaurant services in the most well known Mayan archaeological zone of Mexico that sees over 5000 average daily visitors. 

July 7th, 2007 Chichen-Itza was chosen as one of the new Seven Wonders of the World.

31 Hectares of virgin jungle, Located in the Kilometer 128 of the Main Highway Merida - Chichen Itza - Cancun.

This land is 8 Kms (5 miles) from Chichen Itza, 8 Kms (5 milles) from International Chichen Itza Airport, and 20 Kms (12 miles) from the New Mayan Museum.

* 310 lineal meters (front) on the main road MERIDA - CHICHEN ITZA - CANCUN.
* 1000 lineal meters lenght
* Electricity.
* Water Well
* Topographic Survey
* Google Earth Maps
* Nearby of Piste Town with All Services.
* Hotels and Restaurants in the Area.
* Bus Stop.
* All the Services around the Archaeological Site Of Chichen Itza.
* Factibility for urbanization and development
* Title & Documentation clear and clean
* 2013 Property Taxes Payed

Ideal for a Touristing development (Hotel, Eco-Resort, Golf Courts, Waterpark, or any kind of top touristing business). 

Distances to:

Chichen-Itza International Airport 3 milles
Balankanche Caves 4 milles
Cenote Ik-Kiil 4.5 milles
Chichen-Itza Ruins 5 milles
Mayan Museum 12 milles
Cenote D'tzinup 18 milles
Valladolid-Colonial City 20 milles
Ek-Balam Ruins 30 milles
Ria Lagartos-Flamingos Sanctuary 40 milles
Merida-Colonial City 80 milles
Cancun 120 milles
Tulum 120 milles
Playa del Carmen 140 milles
Cozumel 160 milles 

Investors Worldwide interested in Buying  this property

Please Contact me at 
Claudia Luna. CEO & Founder LA RED media group


Brazil emerged as a major refined sugar exporter in the mid-1990s, introducing very high pol (VHP) that ranged (in terms of sucrose content, color and purity) between raw and refined sugar. VHP sugar must have a minimum 99.4 percent polarity. 

Brazilian cane refiners are generally able to produce a very high polarity, almost semi-refined, sugar very economically and efficiently, primarily due to co-production of ethanol and sugar. 

Brazil VHP sugar currently dominates world trade in raw sugar and has become benchmark for high quality raw sugar trade. Globally, an increasing number of suppliers, such as Australia and Thailand.

Commodity White cane Sugar Icumsa 45- Specifications  (icumsa 45):

Polarity at 20 Degree Centigrade:   99.80 Min. 
ASH Content:   0.04 max 
Moisture:   0.04 max
Solubility: 100.0 DTR free flowing 
Granulation: Fine 
Icumsa Max 45 ICUMSA, attenuation Index Units method no: 4 - 1978
Sediments: None
Color: Sparking white 
Magnetic particles:  4 mg/kg
Max SO: mg/kg 20 (20 p.p.m.)
Radiation Normal w/o presence of cesium iodine: certified  
Smell:  Free of any smell
Reducing Sugar: 0.05 max
Substance Solid, crystal max 
Max AS: 1. p.p.m
Max OS: 2 p.p.m.
Max CU: 3 p.p.m. 

Investors Worldwide interested in Buying  
Sugar- Brazil Origen 
Please Contact me at 
Claudia Luna. CEO & Founder LA RED media group

Campus Party - Futura Network

"Internet is not a network of computers, it’s a network of people.” Paco Ragageles. Director & Co-Founder 
Campus Party.

Campus Party is an annual week long, 24-hours-a-day technology festival where thousands of “Campuseros” (hackers, developers, gamers and technophiles), equipped with laptops, camp on-site and immerse themselves in a truly unique environment.

Recognized as the biggest electronic entertainment event in the world, Campus Party unites the brightest young minds in technology and science under the idea that “the Internet is not a network of computers, it’s a network of people.”

The festival features over 500 hours of talks, debates, workshops, competitions and hackathons related to science, innovation, digital entertainment and creativity. Additionally, hundreds of hours of ad-hoc events are planned by participants and continue throughout the night.

In the past 16 years, the 250 people who attended the first Campus Party have grown into a global community of over 264,000 campuseros with annual events taking place in Brazil, Columbia, Spain, Ecuador and Mexico in addition to two special European (Madrid, Berlin), Mediterranean Basin and Ibero-America editions

Campus Party Silicon Valley  is co- chaired Vint Cerf, Al Gore ( United State Vice- President) and Sir Tim Berners-Lee who are widely acknowledge as the three fathers of the Internet. 

London's Mayor Boris Johnson is promoting it.
Please check this site.

Investors Worldwide interested in Buying  Campus Party Franchising 

Please Contact me at 
Claudia Luna. CEO & Founder LA RED media group

Premium Natural Mineral Water. Eco de las Sierras

Oriental Republic of Uruguay , South America.

Looking for a partner investor interested in acquiring the 60 % of our stake , and then create a joint venture , 60 % - 40 % for the development of our packaging plant , machinery , infrastructure , marketing, working capital , transport and port logistics .

This allows us to achieve development need to begin to meet the international markets and their requirements .

Our natural mineral water of excellent values ​​chemistry , considered one of the best in the world, with 5.9 sodium , is extracted at 14 ° temperature , free from contamination , 39 meters deep and 480 meters above sea level sea, in one of the wildest and most beautiful places of our country.

We are located 120 km from the port of Montevideo, and 40 km from Punta del Este, Uruguay 's main tourist center in the east of our country, with access on National Routes .

We have a capacity to develop our production rate 100,000 liter \ hour , totaling 600 million liters a year .

To get an idea of numbers, put the plant to produce at 20 % capacity , generates 20,000 liters \ when 400,000 liters per day , 10 million liters a month and 120,000,000 liters per year, with a return of 40 % .
At present , we have 3 holes at a rate of 35,000 liters \ hour already available and have 5 perforations , as marked by our geologists , so they would be able to triple production , making these perforations .

We have available a dossier with all permits and authorizations ministerial and composition analyzes LATU ( Technological Laboratory of Uruguay ) , cataloging our water as one of the best in the world

We are selling our shares in the following conditions:

1. Sale of 51 % of our shareholding

2.-Following the sale of the shares , we proceed to create a JV partnership in proportion to the shares of each part ( 51 % - 49 % ) and investment made ​​, comprising:

   a) expanding the infrastructure available
   b ) state of the art machinery to 30,000 liters \ hour
   c ) working capital
   d ) advertising marketing
   e) transport port logistics

This investment , has an estimated cost of U $ D 5,000,000. This cost is shared among the partners in proportion to the shares they hold . It creates a board of directors and appointing the chief justice .

Let me make it clear that we are NOT borrowing money , but we are looking for a partner to buy part of our company and create a new society.
Investors Worldwide Interested.
Please Contact me at 
Claudia Luna. CEO & Founder LA RED media group

viernes, 6 de septiembre de 2013

Dr. Fahed Al Meraabi.- The Arab Prince of Finance

Charismatic, courageous, visionary, pro-active, compassionate, smart, respectful, strategic, loyal, intuitive, inspiring, open, skilled... 

Are some of the words that describe this young men that built the path to successful companies... 

He is a 36 years old bachelor, Doctor in Finances and a genius of business...  

Expert in join ventures and mergers 
Dr. Fahed Al Meraabi  knew that the most productive relationships are partnerships rooted in a freedom of choice vested in both parties to participate only in that which is mutually beneficial and uplifting.

In a world of constant change, the fundamentals are more important than ever. And that is exactly how Dr. Fahed behaves in life. He is compassionate and loyal. Always Humble and give the others the chance to show their potential. 

Change is accelerating, uncertainty is permanent, and chaos is common. Like Fortune magazine will says... Yet some leaders and entrepreneurs navigate these conditions exceptionally well. 
They don't merely react; they create. They don't merely survive; they prevail. They don't merely succeed; they thrive.
Dr Fahed is a clear example of that

He is the CEO of several successful firms... Among them "Zurich Finance & Investment Group"... 

Founded  in 2006, the company started an exciting journey of a great success. 

In the words of Dr Fahed ... "This was mainly attributed to our employees, clients and shareholders. Our experience record of delivering successful, innovative, large scale and above all, valuable solutions to our clients in GCC and worldwide, stand as a testimony to our successful journey"...
Zurich Finances & Investment Group, encourage their clients to reach them when their businesses face turbulence believing that they will find a mind to innovate, a hand to build and a strong company to rely on.
Dr Fahed says "We treasure our world-class team of people and invest in their abilities, with our mission to deliver a positive experience in innovating, implementing, managing and operating complex enterprise solutions for governments and financial institutions, translating advanced technologies and the latest methodologies into value for our customers and welfare of the community, through our professional services and consulting capabilities".
"Our experience in the GCC ( GULF  market – says Dr Al Meraabi, and worldwide  in finance sector specially with commercial and  Government businesses encourages us to expand our services in the Middle East and African countries making a change, a transformation and even more growth opportunities"... 

Dr Fahed Al Meraabi... A Leader... A Business man... An example 

Claudia Luna
CEO & Founder LA RED Media Group.- 
Business Development - Social Media- Leaders Coach & Mentor- Broker