sábado, 6 de octubre de 2012

Ya es oficial: Oslo es la ciudad más cara del mundo, según un estudio publicado por el banco suizo UBS . El estudio calcula el costo de vida en 72 ciudades en todo el mundo mediante la comparación de los precios de 122 bienes y servicios. Mientras Zurich y Tokio ocupar rango 2 y rango 3, respectivamente, el mayor aumento de los precios ha sido atestiguado a Nueva York, Hong Kong y Dubai.
It´s official: Oslo is the most expensive city in the world, according to a study published by Swiss bank UBS last Friday. The study calculates the cost of living in 72 cities worldwide by comparing the prices of 122 goods and services. Whi
le Zurich and Tokyo occupy rank 2 and rank 3 respectively, the steepest rise in prices has been attested to New York, Hong Kong and Dubai. Athens and Dublin saw a noticeable fall in prices due to the Euro zone crisis, but Seoul and other cities in emerging economies climbed far up the ladder.
Despite being the most expensive city in the world, Oslo only ranks 4th in terms of purchasing power – the top places here are occupied by two Swiss cities, Zurich and Geneva.
A Big Mac was used to identify the purchasing power in the 72 cities: While the average employee in Zurich can afford to buy a Big Mac after only 13 minutes of work, it takes 84 minutes of work to be able to buy the same burger in Nairobi.
Have you experienced a rise or fall in the cost of living in your city in the past years?

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